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Paul Rosenfels

A Rosenfels Bibliography

This page describes all known literary works of Paul Rosenfels, both published and unpublished. It includes information about the various incarnations of each work (manuscript, typescript, publication, microfilm) as well as copyright, copyright assignment, Bowker's Books in Print, Library of Congress, and miscellaneous data.

Works included range in size from major published books to brief sketches for projected monographs (as long as they were titled), and include selected correspondance. Each work is described in a separate entry, the entries being arranged alphabetically by title.

Each entry contains a number of lines, all but the first of which (the work's title) having the following format:


where 'keyword' identifies the kind of data this line gives, such as title or creation date, and 'value' gives the actual data for this specific title, such as its actual creation date.

Many keywords apply to only a small number of titles, and only keywords applying to a particular title are shown in that entry. The following sample entry shows an assortment of possible keywords and showing what these values mean. Keywords always appear in the same order, beginning with title.

title of the work.
Subtitle:subtitle of the work.
Subtitle 2:secondary part of a subtitle (as when part of it is given in parentheses).
Comments:any additional information of note.
In Notebook Entitled:name of the notebook and the pages in which the manuscript appears (all such notebooks are numbered by hand); applies only to brief sketches.
Manuscript Pages:number of pages in the manuscript version, if one exists.
Creation Date:in the form YY/MM/DD; any part of the date which is not known is shown as question marks.
Approved for Publication by Paul:all rights to all of Paul's works were assigned to Dean using various legal instruments; this flag distinguishes between works whose future publication was specifically discussed with Paul vs. those whose publication was not ('No').

The next six keywords give information on the copyright registration application or information supplied by the Copyright Office. Copyright law changed significantly in 1978, allowing for the first time the registration of unpublished works. Copyrights registered before 1978 show Copyright Application Recv'd and Copyright Publication Date, but not Copyright Year of Creation (because it wasn't relevant) or Registration Effective Date (because it became effective on the date of publication). Copyrights registered during and after 1978 show Copyright Year of Creation and Registration Effective Date and Copyright Publication Date (if the work was already published), but not Copyright Application Recv'd. For all registered works, the Copyright Number and Reregister date is given.

Copyright Application Recv'd:date the application was received by the Copyright Office.
Copyright Publication Date:date of publication, according to the application.
Copyright Year of Creation:year the work was written, according to the application.
Registration Effective Date:date on which the registration became effective, according to the Copyright Office.
Copyright Number:the official serial number, according to the Copyright Office.
Reregister:date this work should be re-registered with the Copyright Office, calculated as 'Copyright Publication Date + 28' if Copyright Publication Date is given, otherwise fifty years after author's death.

The next five keywords describe information about the assignment of the copyright to Dean Hannotte:

Assignment Date:date of notarized assignment instrument.
Assignment Year Written:year the work was written, according to the instrument.
Recordation Date:date the instrument was recorded, according to the Copyright Office.
Recordation Volume:archival volume in which the instrument photostat appears, according to the Copyright Office.
Recordation Pages:pages of above volume in which the instrument photostat appears, according to the Copyright Office.

The next four keywords give publication data:

Publisher:name of the publisher or publishing house.
Publication Date:date of publication, according to the copyright page.
Copyright Page Year:year of copyright, according to the copyright page.
Published Pages:number of pages.

The next eleven keywords give information about listing(s) in Bowker's Books in Print:

Bowker Title:usually same as Title.
Bowker Subtitle:usually same as Subtitle.
Bowker Subtitle 2:usually same as Subtitle 2.
Bowker ISBN:International Standard Book Number.
Bowker Publisher:usually same as Publisher.
Bowker Series Name:such as 'Ninth Street Center Monographs'.
Bowker Price:price.
Bowker Year of Publication:usually same as Copyright Page Year.
Bowker Internal No.:used only by Bowker.
Bowker Subject Category 1:category in which work appears in
Bowker's Subject Guide to Books in Print.:
Bowker Subject Category 2:second such category.

The next two keywords give Library of Congress cataloging data:

Lib. of Con. CC No.:serial number assigned to the work.
Lib. of Con. CC Date:date serial number was assigned.

The remaining fifteen keywords give the location in which various items are archived. The format of each field is a list of flags and (optional) dates. Flags can be one of:

S1:Safe Deposit Box #1968 at the Chemical Bank Branch at 8th Street and Broadway.
S2:Safe Deposit Box #566 at the Chemical Bank Branch at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue.
Wn:Room 11-09-046 of the Manhattan Ministorage Warehouse at 17th Street and Eleventh Avenue, in box 'n' if specified.
Dn:Dean's apartment, in box 'n' if specified, otherwise in the filing cabinet.

When specified, dates say when the item was moved to its current location.

Advertising Art:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Assignment:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Audiocassette:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn; applies to interviews and dictated works.
Autographed Copy:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Copyright:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Cover Art:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Dedication Copy:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Manuscript:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Manuscript Carbon:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Manuscript Xerox:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Microfilm:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn; applies only to Love and Power.
Reviews:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Typescript:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Typescript Carbon:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.
Typescript Xerox:Sn, Wn, and/or Dn.

Following is the complete catalog of Paul Rosenfels' written work, as prepared shortly after his death by Dean Hannotte:

In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.014-016
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Adolescent excesses and lack of continuity
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.117-119
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Adolescent mechanisms elevated to "mature" status
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.115-115
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Adolescent sex isolates celebration
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.122-123
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Adolescent surpluses and communal experience
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.119-120
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
An Attitude toward Death
Comments:Title only, no text
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.145-145
Manuscript Pages:0
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Bridge, The
Comments:short story
Creation Date:49/??/??
Copyright Year of Creation:1949
Registration Effective Date:11/06/80
Copyright Number:TXU 55-485
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1949
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Publisher:Ninth Street Center Journal
Published Pages:8
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Celebration has no goal
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.134-134
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Celebrative and sexual overflow
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.137-138
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Changes in "A Renegade Psychiatrist's Story"
Subtitle:to remove reference to my wife's sexual behavior
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:79/??/??
Manuscript:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript Xerox:D1
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.004-004
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Coitus mechanisms
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.129-130
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Coming Homosexual Century, The
In Notebook Entitled:The Coming Homosexual Century / Foreword
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:72/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1972
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Concept and Method in Human Adaptation
Comments:outline only
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Penrite Theme Book"]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59?
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Correspondance Between Jesse St. Mark and Homer West
Manuscript Pages:4
Creation Date:68/07/08
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/11/83
Assignment Year Written:1968
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 8/4/87, D
Creative Maturity in Civilization
Comments:Manuscript "E" on loose sheets
Manuscript Pages:45
Creation Date:62/01/13
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1962
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript Carbon:S2 6/3/87
Delusion of Normalcy, The
Subtitle:A Psychological Analysis of the Contemporary Moral Revolution
In Notebook Entitled:(The Psychological World of a Renegade Psychiatrist)
Manuscript Pages:31
Creation Date:67/11/24
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1967
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Domain Mechanism and Psychological Growth, The
Manuscript Pages:8
Creation Date:78/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1978
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Esthetic mechanisms
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.131-132
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Fallacies about sex in marriage
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.083-085
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Family and Social Progress
Comments:Manuscript "B" on loose sheets
Manuscript Pages:176
Creation Date:61/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1961
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript Carbon:S2 6/3/87
Typescript:D1 (first 24 pages)
Typescript Carbon:S2 6/3/87 (first 24 pages)
Finding eroticism
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.125-125
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Freud and the Scientific Method
Creation Date:80/??/??
Copyright Publication Date:4/15/80
Copyright Year of Creation:1980
Registration Effective Date:5/02/80
Copyright Number:TX 463-484
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Publication Date:4/15/80
Published Pages:78
Bowker Title:Freud & the Scientific Method
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-06-1
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1980
Bowker Internal No.:01225982
Bowker Subject Category 1:276 (Psychiatry & Psychoanalysis)
Bowker Subject Category 2:309 (Psychology)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-118217
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Partner in the/search for truth/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:W2, 2 notebooks
Typescript Xerox:W1, also Nick's xerox copy as bound xerox w/list of corrections made to final typescript
Freud and the Scientific Method [Notes For]
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:W, 3 notebooks
Gay intellectual impotence
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.134-134
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Gay rebellion against heterosexuality
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.017-017
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Gays feel rejected
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.099-099
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Homosexual life goals
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.085-087
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Homosexual Manifesto, A
In Notebook Entitled:The Coming Homosexual Century / Foreword
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:72/05/01
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1972
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Homosexual promiscuity less acceptable to society
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.103-104
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Subtitle:The Psychology of the Creative Process
Comments:Indexed by Paul
Creation Date:69/05/25
Copyright Application Recv'd:3/05/71
Copyright Publication Date:2/25/71
Copyright Number:A 222510
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1971
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:2/25/71
Copyright Page Year:1971
Published Pages:169
Bowker Publisher:Libra
Lib. of Con. CC No.:78-146467
Advertising Art:W1
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/with the/affection of the/author/Paul Rosenfels
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:W1, 4 notebooks
Typescript Carbon:W1
Subtitle:The Psychology of the Creative Process
Comments:paperback, with a new Foreword
In Notebook Entitled:The Coming Homosexual Century / Foreword
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:72/??/??
Copyright Application Recv'd:2/12/73
Copyright Publication Date:1/03/73
Copyright Number:A 405778
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1973
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:1/03/73
Copyright Page Year:1971
Published Pages:171
Bowker Publisher:Libra
Lib. of Con. CC No.:78-146467
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Subtitle:The Psychology of the Creative Process
Comments:Third Printing, with new Introduction by Dean Hannotte
Creation Date:86/08/??
Copyright Publication Date:12/01/86
Copyright Year of Creation:1986
Registration Effective Date:12/16/86
Copyright Number:TX 1 976 628
Publication Date:12/01/86
Copyright Page Year:1986
Published Pages:188
Bowker Title:Homosexuality
Bowker Subtitle:The Psychology of the Creative Process
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-08-8 (pbk.)
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1986
Bowker Internal No.:01580819
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:126 (Mental Health)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-23698
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Inconsistent identity vs. human truth and right
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.089-089
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Inconsistent inner identity
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.087-089
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.125-125
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Introduction to [Barry Wood's] "Children of Wrath"
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.139-143
Manuscript Pages:5
Creation Date:80/??/??
Assignment Date:6/09/82
Assignment Year Written:1982
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Justification of Homosexuality, The
In Notebook Entitled:The Coming Homosexual Century / Foreword
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:72/02/13
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1972
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Lack of goal structure in gays
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.117-117
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Letter to Dean (No.2), April 23, 1981, A
Subtitle:On the formation of inner identity in the growing child
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.066-073
Manuscript Pages:8
Creation Date:80/10/29
Copyright Year of Creation:1981
Registration Effective Date:5/22/81
Copyright Number:TXU 73-987
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1981
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Bowker Publisher:(see "Letters to Dean")
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Paul"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Letter to Dean, July 25, 1980, A
Subtitle:A discussion of the nature of sex and celebration
Subtitle 2:and an examination of the causes of homophobia in the gay community.
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.001-054
Manuscript Pages:54
Creation Date:80/??/??
Copyright Year of Creation:1980
Registration Effective Date:9/17/80
Copyright Number:TXU 52-395
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Bowker Publisher:(see "Letters to Dean")
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "once again, for Dean/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Letters to Dean
Comments:compendium of "A Letter to Dean" and "A Letter to Dean (No. 2)"
Creation Date:80/??/??
Copyright Year of Creation:1981
Published Pages:32
Bowker Title:Letters to Dean
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-07-x
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1981
Bowker Internal No.:01565795
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:300 (Philosophy)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:87-402040
Limitations of warmth by society
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.129-129
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Love and Power
Subtitle:The Psychology of Interpersonal Creativity
Comments:Indexed by Paul
Creation Date:66/02/06
Copyright Application Recv'd:9/15/66
Copyright Publication Date:9/12/66
Copyright Number:A 860492
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1966
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:9/12/66
Copyright Page Year:1966
Published Pages:228
Bowker Publisher:Libra
Lib. of Con. CC No.:66-25081
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/from/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:W1, in 3 notebooks
Reviews:D1, one German, one from "M.D." magazine
Typescript Xerox:W1, also Index
Masculinity and Femininity in a Creative Society
In Notebook Entitled:(The Psychological World of a Renegade Psychiatrist)
Manuscript Pages:8
Creation Date:68/04/22
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1968
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Masturbation and self-induced celebration
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.127-128
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Masturbation and self-induced celebration
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.135-137
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Mature sexuality appears prohibitionistic
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.123-124
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Nature of Civilization, The
Subtitle:A Psychological Analysis
Creation Date:77/01/18
Copyright Application Recv'd:7/06/77
Copyright Publication Date:7/01/77
Copyright Number:A 871712
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1977
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:7/01/77
Published Pages:67
Bowker Title:Nature of Civilization
Bowker Subtitle:A Psychological Analysis
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-03-7
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1977
Bowker Internal No.:01225970
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:300 (Philosopy)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-143005
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "To Dean/who also cares what/happens to civilization/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Cover Art:W1
Manuscript:W2, on 6x9 cards
Typescript Xerox:W1
Nature of family identifications
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.130-131
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Nature of Psychological Maturity, The
Creation Date:78/04/29
Copyright Publication Date:6/26/78
Copyright Year of Creation:1978
Registration Effective Date:8/21/78
Copyright Number:TX 101-256
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1978
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:6/26/78
Published Pages:24
Bowker Title:Nature of Psychological Maturity
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-04-5
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1978
Bowker Internal No.:01225973
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:126 (Mental Health)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-143042
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Fisher of man/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Cover Art:W1
Manuscript:W2, on 6x9 cards
Typescript Xerox:W1
Nature of Psychological Science, The
In Notebook Entitled:The Coming Homosexual Century / Foreword
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:72/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1972
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Neurosis and Delinquency in Western Civilization
Comments:Manuscript "D" on loose sheets
Manuscript Pages:79
Creation Date:61/10/04
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1961
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript Carbon:S2 6/3/87
No general form of the surpluses
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.132-133
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
No generality in the surpluses
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.126-127
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Note on the Error in P&C and L&P Concerning Yielding and Assertive Families
Creation Date:79/10/07
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1979
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Typescript:S2 8/4/87
Typescript Xerox:D
Pleasure and enjoyment in the surpluses
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.116-116
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Power surrender and possessive love
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.132-132
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Principles of Psychological Growth and Social Change
Creation Date:50?
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1964
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Publisher:Ninth Street Center Journal
Publication Date:9/01/87
Copyright Page Year:1981
Published Pages:3
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Typescript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:D1, also Len Albert & Walter Ross
Promiscuous gays and straights
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.054-054
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Psychic Exhaustion and the Growth Process
Creation Date:76/09/15
Copyright Year of Creation:1976
Registration Effective Date:1/09/79
Copyright Number:TXU 15-032
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1979
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Published Pages:16
Bowker Title:Psychic Exhaustion & the Growth Process
Bowker Subtitle:(An Appendix to Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process)
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-02-9
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1976
Bowker Internal No.:01225965
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:126 (Mental Health)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-142957
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Paul Rosenfels/5-31-81"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Cover Art:W1
Typescript Xerox:W1
Psychoanalysis and Civilization
Comments:Indexed by Libra staff
Creation Date:60/01/27 [according to green notebook]
Copyright Application Recv'd:7/26/63
Copyright Publication Date:9/15/62
Copyright Number:A 638629
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1962
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:9/15/62
Copyright Page Year:1962
Published Pages:217
Bowker Publisher:Libra
Lib. of Con. CC No.:62-18668
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/with love/Paul Rosenfels" [8/10/83]
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Typescript Carbon:W1, copy 2
Psychological World of a Renegade Psychiatrist, The
Subtitle:A Love Letter from the East Village
Subtitle 2:The Psychodynamics of Moral Revolution
In Notebook Entitled:(The Psychological World of a Renegade Psychiatrist)
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:68/09/08
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1968
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Psychology of Creativity, The
Subtitle:A Guide to Social Survival
In Notebook Entitled:"I(B)", "II(B)", and "III(B)"
Manuscript Pages:373
Creation Date:63/11/11
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1963
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Psychology of Polarity, The
Subtitle:A Dictionary of Terms
Comments:Title only, no text
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.055-055
Manuscript Pages:0
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Rejected people vs. rejecting people
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.098-098
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Relationship of Adaptation and Fun and Pleasure to Psychological Growth, The
In Notebook Entitled:The Nature of Psychological Growth - Booklet #2
Creation Date:75/09/18
Copyright Year of Creation:1975
Registration Effective Date:12/01/78
Copyright Number:TXU 12-203
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1978
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Published Pages:32
Bowker Title:Relationship of Adaptation & Fun & Pleasure to Psychological Growth
Bowker Subtitle:(An Appendix to Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process)
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-01-0
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1975
Bowker Internal No.:01225949
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:126 (Mental Health)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-142926
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Typescript:W1, p.24 missing
Typescript Xerox:W1
Renegade Psychiatrist's Story, A
Subtitle:An Introduction to the Science of Human Nature
Creation Date:79/??/??
Copyright Publication Date:9/03/79
Copyright Year of Creation:1979
Registration Effective Date:9/06/79
Copyright Number:TX 325-754
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1979
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Publication Date:9/03/79
Published Pages:81
Bowker Title:Renegade Psychiatrist's Story
Bowker Subtitle:An Introduction to the Science of Human Nature
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-05-3
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1979
Bowker Internal No.:01225979
Bowker Subject Category 1:023 (Autobiography)
Bowker Subject Category 2:309 (Psychology)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-142970
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
Cover Art:W1
Dedication Copy:D, "For Dean/with the/author's love/Paul Rosenfels"
Manuscript:W2, in 2 notebooks
Typescript Xerox:W1: 1st signed, red cover; 2nd errata in back, 3rd green cover; unbound
Sex act unique
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.002-003
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Sex and celebration detached from identity
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.116-116
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Sex and celebration isolated from each other
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.100-102
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Sex and goal structure
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.098-099
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Sex and marriage
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.017-018
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Sexuality of Civilized Man, The
Subtitle:Masculinity and Femininity in a Creative Society
In Notebook Entitled:(The Psychological World of a Renegade Psychiatrist)
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:68/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1968
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
So-called homosexuality in childhood
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.041-042
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
So-called homosexuality in childhood
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.052-053
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/04/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Society's Fear of Homosexuality
Comments:read by Len Albert at A Different Light, June 1986
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.146-151
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:84/06/25
Publisher:Ninth Street Center Journal
Publication Date:12/21/84
Published Pages:3
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Subjectivity and Objectivity
Subtitle:Further Aspects of Psychological Growth
Creation Date:74/??/??
Copyright Year of Creation:1975
Registration Effective Date:7/30/80
Copyright Number:TXU 49-063
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1975
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Published Pages:20
Bowker Title:Subjectivity & Objectivity
Bowker Subtitle:Further Aspects of Psychological Growth
Bowker Subtitle 2:(An Appendix to Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process)
Bowker ISBN:0-932961-00-2
Bowker Publisher:Ninth St Ctr.
Bowker Series Name:Ninth Street Center Monographs
Bowker Price:$2.00
Bowker Year of Publication:1974
Bowker Internal No.:01225938
Bowker Subject Category 1:309 (Psychology)
Bowker Subject Category 2:126 (Mental Health)
Lib. of Con. CC No.:86-143018
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Autographed Copy:D, "For Dean/Paul Rosenfels"
Copyright:S2 8/4/87, D
surpluses and creativity, The
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.124-124
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Surpluses bridge esthetic and creative life
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.121-121
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Surpluses have no general form
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.121-122
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
This I Beheld
Subtitle:A Psychological Analysis of the Masculine Ideal in Civilization, with
Subtitle 2:Application to Selected Writings of Homer, Shakespeare and Joseph Conrad
Comments:Manuscript "C" on loose sheets
Manuscript Pages:59
Creation Date:61/05/21
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1961
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Publisher:Ninth Street Center Journal
Publication Date:9/21/86
Published Pages:15
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript Carbon:S2 6/3/87
Truth About Psychoanalysis, The
Manuscript Pages:22
Creation Date:55/??/??
Assignment Date:3/17/80
Assignment Year Written:1955
Recordation Date:3/25/80
Recordation Volume:1778
Recordation Pages:123-124
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 6/3/87, D1
Warmth and pride and the surpluses
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.133-134
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Warmth and pride vs. sex and celebration
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.102-103
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[addresses of Ronnie Anderson, Peter Zuckerman, and others]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", back section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[analogs as used in Manuscript "A"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[analogs as used in Manuscripts "B", "C" and "D"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:4
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[budgets and writing schedules]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", back section]
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[dates each of the 12 sections of Manuscript "A" were begun]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", inside front cover]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Interview with Paul Rosenfels]
Comments:by Jurgen Schmitt and Tony Rostron
Creation Date:74/03/??
Publisher:Ninth Street Center Journal
Publication Date:12/21/85
Published Pages:8
[Letter to Goldman, Steve, 80/03/28]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.031-035
Manuscript Pages:5
Creation Date:80/03/28
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Goldman, Steve, 80/04/21]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.063-074
Manuscript Pages:12
Creation Date:80/04/21
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Harris, Randy, 80/03/30]
Creation Date:80/03/30
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/03/12]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.005-011
Manuscript Pages:7
Creation Date:80/03/11
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/03/26]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.018-031
Manuscript Pages:14
Creation Date:80/03/26
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/04/10]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.055-062
Manuscript Pages:8
Creation Date:80/04/10
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/04/21]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.075-082
Manuscript Pages:8
Creation Date:80/04/21
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/05/09]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.090-098
Manuscript Pages:9
Creation Date:80/05/04
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/06/02]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.105-114
Manuscript Pages:10
Creation Date:80/05/28
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/09/12, notes for]
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.058-062
Manuscript Pages:5
Creation Date:80/09/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Letter to Luss, Carl, 80/09/12]
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.063-065
Manuscript Pages:4
Creation Date:80/09/12
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Panico, Tony, 80/03/28]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.036-040
Manuscript Pages:5
Creation Date:80/03/28
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Peters, Larry, 80/??/??]
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.055-055
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Letter to Rosenbluth, Susan, 80/04/06]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.043-051
Manuscript Pages:9
Creation Date:80/04/06
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Ross, Walter, 80/08/21, notes for]
In Notebook Entitled:Letter to Dean, pp.056-057
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:80/08/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Letter to Ross, Walter, 80/08/21]
Creation Date:80/08/21
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Ross, Walter, 80/09/15]
Creation Date:80/09/15
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Rostron, Tony, 80/09/15]
Creation Date:80/09/15
Assignment Date:6/05/81
Assignment Year Written:1980
Recordation Date:6/15/81
Recordation Volume:1848
Recordation Pages:17-18
Assignment:S2 8/4/87, D
[Letter to Wood, Barry]
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. II Notes, pp.144-144
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:80/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Letters to Nash, Edith, 1938-1985]
Comments:Originals lent to Dean 5/86 and returned that month
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript Xerox:S2 8/4/87
[notes for future monographs]
Manuscript Pages:28
Creation Date:77?
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:W, on 6x9 cards
[notes for Manuscript "E"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Penrite Theme Book"]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59?
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.001-002
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.012-017
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:80/03/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
In Notebook Entitled:Vol. I Notes, pp.098-104
Manuscript Pages:6
Creation Date:80/05/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Paul's genealogy]
Comments:Sent by Edith Nash 6/86
Typescript Xerox:S2 8/4/87
[plan for Manuscript "E"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[prospective junkyard and beer tavern names]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", back section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[prospective titles for future works]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", back section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[prospective titles for Manuscript "A"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[prospective titles for Manuscripts "C" and "B"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:3
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[Revision procedure, Revision Usage]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:2
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87
[small brown notepad, 3 3/4" x 6"]
Creation Date:74/??/??
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
[table of contents for Manuscript "C"]
In Notebook Entitled:[green "Stuart Hall Theme Book", front section]
Manuscript Pages:1
Creation Date:59/11/07
Approved for Publication by Paul:N
Manuscript:S2 6/3/87


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